
Every place is important

At Qartowsky, we believe that every place, regardless of its size, carries a unique story and special memories. Whether it's a bustling metropolis or a small village nestled among the hills, every place has its own charm that makes it unforgettable.

Our vision

We believe that every city, village, and neighborhood has its own story. Our vision is to help you bring those stories to life and preserve them in a special way. Qartowsky magnets are designed to remind you of unforgettable moments, connecting different parts of your life into a unique whole.

Each semicircle carries its own story, and by combining two magnets, a complete circle is formed, symbolizing unity and connection.

Would you like to sell Qartowsky magnets?

If you're interested in selling Qartowsky magnets in larger quantities, you're in the right place! Our semicircular magnets, which form a complete circle when joined together, are perfect for all types of stores, souvenir shops, and gift galleries.

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